American Industries (American Apparel Rebranding)

Graduate School Project, Academy of Art University


To rebrand and expand a declining brand (American Apparel) by identifying its potential business expansion,  developing a new brand identity, and creating a new visual language.


Branding & Brand Identity | Logo Design | Editorial Design | Web Design

Key Words

Ethics | Unification | Empowerment

Image showing American Industries' mission statement.Image showing American Industries' three key words; Ethical, Empowering, and Unified.Image showing specifics and anatomy of American Industries' logo mark.Image showing specifics of American Industries' logos.Image showing color palette of American Industries consist of 5 colors.Image showing American Industries' typography.Image showing cover designs of American Industries' Visual Strategy Guide and Development Guide.Image of a close-up page layout of American Industries' Visual Development Guide showing logo explorations page.Gif showing American Industries' inside spreads of visual guides.Image of a close-up page layout of American Industries' Visual Strategy Guide showing logo anatomy.Image showing 12 spreads of American Industries' Visual Guides.
Gif showing multiple webpage designs of American Industries.
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Micuna Kitchen
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